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!!! HIGH ALERT !!!

!!! The END of our Freedom, of our Existence !!!

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)

How to Enter the Ark

Thursday, May 10th, 2012

As the events unfold, all will understand how important are my words. Now, while the world goes merrily along its way, my words are shoved aside as useless and of little value. Yet, some will cherish my words and say, “These are important and we cannot set them aside with a wait-and-see attitude”.

The world will not be the same because some fundamental changes will take place that man cannot control. Resources will grow thin and man’s selfishness will make everything worse. One evil will lead to greater evils and people will ask, “When will this end?”

I speak from a mother’s heart, from great concern for the human race. These are all my children and I would care for everyone, whether they know me or do not yet know me. I must become known before all these events begin because I am the new Ark of the Covenant. Therefore, I speak and speak (almost endlessly) because I want the world to know my heart and that the Father, foreseeing these events, wants to provide this new Ark.

I cannot give this teaching any more clearly. Very, very difficult events are ahead. They will certainly come. They will affect the whole world, some places more than others. I will be in the middle of these events, helping all who come to me. Right now, I will teach you how to come. Begin now, because when the flood comes it is too late to learn how to swim.

Coming to me begins in silence, when your heart turns away from the constant distractions. When is the last time you have tried to be silent? The last time, you have tried to pray? I can be all around you but if you are not still, you will never experience my help. So, I say these words: quiet, silence, withdrawal from the world, a time of retreat, a time of peace, an attempt to pray, a calling out to me. They all urge you to do the same thing, to allow the powers of your soul to experience that I am with you.

Learn this gift. When the events begin, you will say, “Mary is all around me. I can feel her protection.”

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