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!!! HIGH ALERT !!!

!!! The END of our Freedom, of our Existence !!!

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)

The Book of Love

- Chapter 7 -

The Highest Grace of THE LORD / Trials prior to Rebirth in the HOLY SPIRIT

The Highest Grace of THE LORD / Trials prior to Rebirth in the HOLY SPIRIT

I n Truth, I THE LORD am going to disclose to you in this chapter the HIGHEST GRACE which I may grant to a CHILD OF MY ETERNAL LOVE: REBIRTH IN THE FIRE OF MY HOLY JESUS-MARIA-SPIRIT.
Let ME point out rightaway that this disclosure does not concern the lukewarm, the obstinate or the obfuscated; for these will not be roused, taught, or enlightened by the highest and holiest reality! This revelation is reserved for those who are willing to become LOVE, most ardent and merciful JESUS-MARIA-LOVE, and to be obedient to ME, so as to be inflamed with LOVE OF ALL LOVE. It is more particularly meant for those who, great spirits of My Heavens, have come down onto this Earth with the task of achieving great things in the co-redemption of all fallen life, but have often gone astray during their incarnation, having become unaware of their high mission, and who through this NEW BIBLE shall now find back to their formerly self-assumed task and true destiny.
The earthly way of a heavenly spirit is not easy, or it would not be a redemptive way! I THE LORD, in the human garb of your SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST, showed the best example in this respect. And just as My earthly career as the Son of Man found its coronation in the rising from My physical body, similarly every spirit of My Heavens may likewise be granted the highest grace: rebirth in the fire of MY HOLY JESUS-MARIA-SPIRIT.
Yet I tell you rightaway that the mere fulfilling of MY COMMANDMENTS is by far not enough to obtain this highest grace, and that much more is needed than a saintly earnestness; a HOLY FIRE in the heart of a CHILD OF MY LOVE is essential indeed, so as to obtain the crown of rebirth in MY HOLY JESUS-MARIA-SPIRIT! This blazing HOLY FIRE will also melt the last remaining fetters of subjection to My Counterpole and flare up in a gigantic flame, carrying the soul to the utmost, and setting ablaze and radiating the HOLY SPIRIT OF MY ETERNAL LOVE AND PERFECTION wherever it goes.
The first thing to be done therefor is to embark on the road to the soul's rebirth by MY HOLY WILL with the holiest earnestness. This means to be so pervaded with MY HOLY UR-QUALITIES - already indicated - that any weakness will be thrown off and whatever risk of relapsing instantly nipped in the bud; this equally means not only to accomplish all this, but also to fulfil thoroughly MY HOLY WILL in all things, whatsoever I THE LORD might demand. Such are the tests and trials which must be passed lest a soul fails to take the last obstacle and to achieve the greatest thing.
Don't you act similarly, O men, when it comes to pursuing your own aims, or to building machines or equipment? You also sound out everything with good reason, since without such a trial nothing serious could be achieved or last for the time required.
Therefore My tests and trials have to be incredibly hard, difficult and comprehensive, so as to enable a soul to fly up from its material bondage into genuine freedom, and still greater are those trials which lead a Spirit to an absolute mastery over matter and soul, and over itself in the HOLINESS OF MY JESUS-MARIA-SPIRIT to the effect of bringing about as a coronation the rebirth in MY HOLY SPIRIT.
The tests and trials imposed on a Spirit incarnate are often so hard and incomprehensible that it may start doubting whether there is a GOD, a CREATOR, a PERFECT BEING. Those are, as it were, blazing ordeals which are supposed to melt away, down to the last atom all links to this world on the one hand, whilst, on the other, they purport a thorough annealing in the HOLY WILL OF MY HOLY SPIRIT. Remember the tests and trials of all the great biblical figures and you will have the most relevant examples. Neither made I THE LORD an exception with MYSELF during My incarnation, nor did MY HERZENS-URGRUNDPOL OF ETERNAL LOVE in MY MOTHER OF YORE MARIA, and if you consider MY AND HER EARTHLY LIFE in the light of biblical records - and far better in My revelation through My already mentioned scribe -, you may easily grasp that OUR EARTHLY WAYS were not marked by a destiny staged only by My Counterpole, but also by trials and tribulations I had dealt out for MYSELF and the HOLIEST OF HOLIES under the concentrated onslaught of hell, and which alone could eventually achieve SALVATION AND RESURRECTION.
In fact, each trial of soul and spirit under the hardest conditions of this Counterpole world will release and redeem countless emprisoned potencies, whose number you cannot figure out, and least of all can fancy the blind in the spirit, the obstinate and the lukewarm of how much GRACE they partake through the redemptive life of high and highest Spirits incarnate undergoing trials with far-reaching consequences! Yet after reaching the KINGDOM OF MY HOLY SPIRIT the former will thrill with awe at their misdeeds caused by their incommensurable blindness and they will in truth incessantly pray in deepest contrition to ME and all those against whom they once sinned to be forgiven; for the adamantine LAW OF SIN AND ATONEMENT will indelibly record everything in the spiritual book of each life much better than on your perishable films, and will keep it as long as it is not forgiven or atoned for.
Every Spirit will outgrow by the tests and trials put on him by MY LOVE AND GRACE its previously acquired capacities, and by passing the blazing ordeals in the FIRE OF MY HOLY SPIRIT it will become by the image of MY SEVEN HOLY UR-QUALITIES, a SPIRITUAL SUN IN MY ETERNAL AND INFINITE CREATION; for it will be reborn in MY HOLY JESUS-MARIA-SPIRIT, and this means that it has - by this road of tests and trials - retrieved MY ETERNAL PERFECTION in it from where it once issued as a CHILD OF MY LOVE.
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