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!!! HIGH ALERT !!!

!!! The END of our Freedom, of our Existence !!!

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)

The Book of Love

- Chapter 3 -

THE LORD'S Wealth of Grace

THE LORD'S Wealth of Grace

T here were from time to time among you, O men, some over-clever "sages" who contrived to sell their opinion, by which it was quite possible to fancy this Earth without human beings! There you can see what a mind left to its own can produce; for I THE LORD say:
Without human beings MY WHOLE CREATION is unthinkable to ME, GOD AND CREATOR, just as life without children is unthinkable to a truly female soul.
What would I be, GOD THE CREATOR, LORD AND FATHER, without My children - without you, My earthly children?
For you men are MY OWN REFLECTION in a creature. It is true that you have surrounded yourselves for the time being, as it were with the night of an embryo, a fundamental truth which your illusive life cannot gloss over; nonetheless, you are, O men of this world, children of MY OWN SELF and I THE LORD AND CREATOR am thereby YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER WHO has created everything for your sake.
It is for you that MY CREATION has become apparent as THE CREATION OF MY LOVE.
If you, O men, wish to understand this - I THE LORD say again most emphatically "wish to understand" -, let the first ray of MY LOVE in you bear fruit as true life in MY HOLY SPIRIT!
You were once born in MY HEAVENS, THE KINGDOM OF ETERNAL LOVE, as a spirit out of MY HOLY SPIRIT! But since by your own free volition conferred by ME you have surrounded yourselves with night that does not proceed from MY PERFECT SPIRIT but is the result of your willful fall from MY HEAVENS into this self-chosen and self-created night, you will have to be reborn in MY HOLY SPIRIT.
You now know therefore what it means to be reborn. Even Nicodemus, a leader of My chosen people of yore, could hardly understand what it means to be reborn, although I explained it to him through MY CREATOR'S HOLY MOUTH! This may also show you the depth of the night that had taken hold of the souls of My then chosen people, and why in turn THE SALVATION WORK OF MY LOVE - about which the next chapter of the Book of Love will provide more information - proved necessary.
This night still prevails now, nearly two thousand years later, with the majority of My earthly children, as I already predicted in those days, and thus MY HIGHEST GRACE at the present time on Earth has become an indispensable act of MY ETERNAL LOVE: THE RETURN OF YOUR LORD, JESUS CHRIST, THE CRUCIFIED OF GOLGOTHA, once again in a human garment. And - as already most clearly revealed - in the human garb of none other but the ONE in WHOM, as MY HERZENS-URGRUNDPOL OF ETERNAL LOVE, this was alone possible.
Yet MY GRACE shall never be exhausted for My earthly children, if the holy goal of creation is to be reached. However unbelievable it seems to all My angels that up to the publication of this My New Bible MY RETURN onto Earth in the human garb of their QUEEN OF HEAVENS has hardly found the resounding exultation they expected, this course of events was not only anticipated by ME THE LORD, but perfectly allowed for in MY MERCIFUL PLAN of rescue for this blind human race.
For I THE LORD well knew that My lot in the human garb of MY EARTHLY MOTHER MARIA will not be much different from that of the Son of Man JESUS CHRIST, and that precisely those earthly children whose lips never cease to call "LORD, LORD!" and "O GOD, how much I love YOU!" always pretend to know better than I THE LORD MYSELF, how I put MY HOLY WILL into decisive action.
It was they who in those days already knew better, thinking that THE MESSIAH had to appear among them with great pomp as the Saviour and could not possibly be born in the poorest shabbiness of a stable. And today again they know better by claiming that I THE LORD am bound to come onto Earth with thunder and lightning in a way they imagine. The fact that the predicted "lightning" could be My sudden presence on Earth in MY HOLY OF HOLIES, and the "thunder" THE MIGHT OF MY HOLY VOICE, lies beyond the understanding of the over-wise zealots who are just as blindfold as the Pharisees, who showed hostility towards ME in JESUS CHRIST, defaming ME and letting ME be nailed onto the Cross of Golgotha.
The present situation is, therefore, exactly the same as in those days, yet it will not evolve likewise.
For at the end of MY EARTHLY PEREGRINATION IN THE HUMAN GARB OF MY EARTHLY MOTHER MARIA, the head of the serpent will be crushed and THE NEW JERUSALEM will be established on Earth in the glory of My Heavens.
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