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!!! HIGH ALERT !!!

!!! The END of our Freedom, of our Existence !!!

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)

Future Events

Moving Up the Timetable

Sunday, February 17th, 2013

Keep your eyes open. See all the world events that suddenly will begin to happen. These are a response to the Holy Father’s announcement. The war has begun. The first shot has been fired. I did not wait for Satan to act. I would not give him the chance to decide the timetable. I led the Pope to take this extraordinary action because I wanted to decide the time and the setting. Now the shot has been fired. It is a shot of faith, of belief that the Spirit will guide the Church.

Keep your eyes open. You will see the demonic response. You will see whom he stirs to acts of violence, whom he gets to take the world stage. He must lead those whom he controls to action. The time has been moved up. Otherwise, he would have greater armies and greater forces. He is forced to begin with what he already has in place. It is too late now to deploy all that he wanted. His forces are not as strong as they would have been. The announcement has stirred those who believe in me. There is great expectancy. Still, the Church herself is not yet ready but that will be remedied by the new pope whom I have already enlightened.

The time is short. My children must be prepared. Events will happen quickly. See them for what they are. Even though they happen in various parts of the world, there will always be the same pattern. Some area of darkness has resulted from sinful actions over a long period of time. There will be a great weakness, an inability to withstand a great force. This great force will suddenly break through or bring a crisis to a head. The results will be like a fire that overflows and pours out, damaging what is closest. None of these events will be earth-shaking but taken together they will constitute a grave problem, stretching the world’s resources to the breaking point. Then, the break will come, the last of a long line of events and circumstances. This event will truly change the picture. All will begin to see what is so evident to those who know my words. The war has begun. The other side has responded, trying to break the will of the people. How much the world will need me at this time. That is why I will raise up the pope of my choice.

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